New startup and other changes to McCLIM's listener - Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log

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New startup and other changes to McCLIM's listener

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Andy Hefner has committed to McCLIM's CVS source tree some changes related to the CLIM Listener. He fixed a wholine pane redisplay issue and removed what remained of the listener's top-level function.

Among the user-visible changes, Andy added new keyword parameters to the function that starts the listener, clim-listener:run-listener:

A form or function that will be evaluated within the listener at startup.
If t the listener will run in a new thread, otherwise in the current one.
A string naming the new thread.
The :new-process parameter makes obsolete the function clim-listener:run-listener-process, which has been removed.

Here is a sample run of the listener with the new startup parameters (SLIME under GNU Emacs and CMUCL on a Linux system):

CL-USER> (clim-listener:run-listener :new-process t
				     :eval (princ "Hello CLIM")
				     :process-name "My CLIM Listener Process")
Hello CLIM
#<Process My CLIM Listener Process {58FB1925}>
CL-USER> (mp:show-processes)
#<Process #<CLIM-CLX::CLX-PORT :HOST "" :DISPLAY-ID 0 {5904A4AD}>'s event process.
  {58391E3D}> "Input Wait" ACTIVE
#<Process My CLIM Listener Process {58FB1925}> "Run" ACTIVE
-> #<Process repl-thread {5899394D}> "Run" ACTIVE
#<Process reader-thread {58992F3D}> "Input Wait" ACTIVE
#<Process control-thread {58992D25}> "receive" ACTIVE
#<Process Top Level Loop {5890C8DD}> "Input Wait" ACTIVE
#<Process Idle Loop {58004E15}> "Run" ACTIVE

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